Project 3: Face Morphing

By Ethan Zhang


In order to morph two faces together, I manually defined correspondences between the two faces. Then, a Delaunay triangulation can be applied on the average points between the pair of correspondences. With the triangulation in hand, it is possible to calculate the forward / backward affine transformation matrices between triangulations in the average shape and each of the source images. With these matrices, it is already possible to do forward warping. However, I decided to use backward warping which allows for seamless reconstruction of the final image. More specifically, I am able to apply the inverse affine transformation matrix on coordinate points within each triangulation then use a ratio to merge the resulting source colors.

Part 1. Defining Correspondences

In order to define correspondences on the image, I first coded a rudimentary tool with ginput that worked decently well.
Result on Ethan
However, once I began to select a lot more correspondences to produce better morphs, it became quickly apparent that it was very hard to keep track of the order at which I clicked. This is when I decided to use an online tool made by a previous student:
Result on Ethan
Result on Royce
The above figure also shows the Delaunay triangulation being computed on the correspondence points. I also found that automatically adding correspondences for the corner of the image also yielded better morphing around the edges of the face.

Part 2. Computing the "Mid-way Face"

Using the high level process described in the overview, I computed the mid-way face between my friend and I. Specifically, I used a warping and dissolving factor of 0.5 to have half way shape and colors from both of the input faces. Although I ran into a lot of issues with the column vs row storage of the points, I eventually decided to stick with the lecture format and calculated the affine matrix with the points stacked horizontally. Then, the transformation matrix was applied on all the points in each triangulation that was generated with ski.draw.polygon.
Input 1
Input 2

Part 3. The Morph Sequence

By re-using the code from the previous part and parameterizing the dissolve and warp fractions, I was also able to generate an image sequence that represents the intermediate progress between the Ethan geometry (& colors) and that of Royce's.
Ethan -> Royce

Part 4. The "Mean face" of a population

After downloading the Danes dataset, I was able to merge all of the pre-annotated correspondences into an average shape. This average shape was then used to morph all of the faces in the dataset into the same average shape to generate an average face of the population.
Average face of Danes
Then, to test how my face would warp into the average geometry of the Danes population, I found the same correspondences on my own face with the previously mentioned online labeling tool. Additionally, I tried to morph the average of the Danes population into my facial geometry.
Online Labeling Tool
Ethan morphed into Danes
Danes morphed into Ethan

Part 5. Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

By deviating from the average shape of the Danes, I was able to create a caricature of my face:
Ethan morphed into Danes
Ethan morphed slightly
Specifically, I used an alpha of 0.75 when adding back the delta X.